Wholesalers Only

APO/FPO Information FAQ

Does GlobalVideoGames.com ship to APO/FPO Addresses?

GlobalVideoGames.com does ship to all APO/FPO addresses. Please allow up to 24 hours for processing time. Your shipment will arrive to the military drop off in the United States (east or west coast) within 2 to 3 days after it is shipped. After drop off the military takes responsibility for your shipment and it will be processed through the military mail system.
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How long will it take for my shipment to arrive?

When your order is shipped, it will take approximately 3-5 days to arrive to the military drop off in the United States (east or west coast). After drop off, the military takes responsibility for your shipment and it will be processed through the military mail system.
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I am having problems placing my APO/FPO order, HELP!

If you should have any problems in placing your order, please check over the following information:

A. Our system does require that the "bill to" address portion of the order form must exactly match the name and address on your credit card billing statement. If a middle initial is used, put it in the field with your first name.
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What shipping methods are available for APO/FPO addresses?

All APO/FPO addresses are shipped via USPS Ground.
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